The Road is Broken, Have Hope Anyways


By Jessica Jamieson

I have been in the world of surrogacy just long enough to be sure of two very real things.

First, a surrogacy journey is the most incredible thing you could possibly experience. There is joy and compassion that can only be understood by those who have a child with the help of their surrogate.

But secondly, there can be incredible heartbreak along the way. It can be isolating, and at points it will feel like this dream is not going to happen for you. It can feel like you are all alone, while everyone else moves forward with their pregnancies and subsequent births.

So often the “perfect births” that we see on social media don’t allow us to see the broken road that led to this moment. For the intended parents, it can seem like you are the only ones who have had their surrogate walk away for no reason, who have had multiple miscarriages, or who have lost all of their embryos to failed transfers.

These moments of seeming hopelessness are happening in our village. The heartbreak in this journey is real. They are not your fault, and you do not always get the answers that you need to bring you the comfort you seek.

But here is the other side, the birth videos that we see, the success stories and all of those beautiful baby pictures, were built on broken roads too. Months and years, of struggle, celebration, heartbreak and joy. Intended parents and surrogates falling to their knees when hit with setbacks. But getting back up over and over. This is the real story. One that is honest and transparent to the entire journey.

So what ever you are experiencing right now. Please know that we will continue to have hope with you. If you are still here, pursuing your goal new each day, then your dream of having a child is still possible. Your broken road is shared with so many others in your village. Including those who have returned home with their perfect little ones. You are not alone, you are on the right track, we cannot wait to celebrate with you.

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