Surrogacy's Impact on the LGBTQ+ Community

Surrogacy's Impact on the LGBTQ Community - JA Surrogacy Canada.png

Common childhood fears often include; the dark, large animals, heights, unfamiliar or loud noises and imaginary monsters or ‘things’ under the bed. 

Fear of one’s own sexual identity should not be found on that list. Societal phobias and biases, while still active today, are beginning to lessen. We are witnessing a growing movement towards inclusivity within our society.

For the first time in history, many children are growing up in a world where some people are straight and some people are gay. To them, that is simply the way things are.

When a surrogate experiences working with an LGBTQ couple, it creates an even deeper understanding within her own children that loving families, and loving couples come in all forms.

To witness an openly gay couple claim who they are, can build on the child’s already existing belief – that coming out is not something to be feared, it is simply a stating of facts.

Written Anonymously

I want to share something on how surrogacy impacts our children and our communities.

I became a surrogate 6 years ago, when my kids were only 3 and 18 months old. My littlest had no idea I was even pregnant, while my 3-year-old was very involved the entire time. 

Our second journey (I say 'our' because for this journey, my little family was fully involved) we got to meet an incredible same sex couple and I was able to start teaching my kids about the LGBTQ community. Unfortunately, we had three failed transfers and decided not to continue together.

My third journey was with another same sex couple and was successful. My girls were learning more about reproduction and we continued to talk a lot about the LGBTQ community and how we can be allies. I am now transferring on Saturday (woo!) for a single gay man. We're very excited.

My youngest daughter is now 7 and a few months ago, she came home and told me she has a crush on a girl in her class. I had fears about what this would mean for her, but was very open about this. I fully support and love her. 

She has since declared she is a lesbian. There was no question in her mind that, when she was ready, she could tell me. But the thing that gets me right in the feels??? She has told me out of the blue, more than once, that it makes her feel good that I am helping gay people because she too is now part of the LGBTQ community.

This kid! She is SEVEN! I just love her. I had no idea that my journeys would have such a positive impact on my kids in such an incredible way. All because I decided to love a stranger enough to carry their baby. 

What we do matters. Sometimes it impacts more people than we could ever imagine.
