Our Journey with Canadian Surrogacy


Photographs by Bebe Newborn Photography

Written by Stephane and Frederic, JA Intended Parents

Our surrogacy journey first began over five years ago. Our desire to become fathers was bigger than ourselves – it is something that we could not simply resign or give up on.

We decided to start with a famous surrogacy agency in Canada. We matched quickly and our surrogate became pregnant soon after. Everything seemed easy so far… but, then she had a miscarriage. We were devastated. After that, things started to get complicated. The agency rematched us but none of the new matches worked out. We decided to move our journey to another surrogacy agency in Canada, JA Surrogacy Consulting.

We will always remember our first call with Jennifer. She took the time to listen to our story. She had so much heart in this and we saw that we could always count on her to be straightforward with us. What we loved most of all though, is she allowed us to be honest and frank without judgement. Jennifer was always open to discussion and respectful; whether we agreed or disagreed, she was consistently there for us.

Thanks to Jen, we discovered a new approach to surrogacy, far different than we’d ever experienced with our previous agency. She values trust, transparency, communication and finding the perfect match for each intended parent and surrogate.

It is through her that we met Jessica. There could not have been a better match than this one, she was THE ONE. Jessica is our surrogate, but over time, we stopped referring to her as simply being “our surrogate”, because she has become so much more than that. We have built an incredible relationship and we can speak with each other about anything. It is almost impossible to describe the connection that has developed between us. She is our soulmate.

Our journey together has not in any way been easy. Jessica experienced a miscarriage followed by multiple failed transfers, but she always remained positive and optimistic. She has always believed that together, we can be strong and persevere. Jessica is the most committed woman that we have ever known. She is supportive and carries the kindness of an angel. No matter what, she was always there for us, and we trust her above anyone else. After all, she carried our baby.

Our relationship also included her three adorable boys and their extended family, who accepted us into their lives. They have not only been a strong support to Jess, but to us as well. We have been welcomed by them as true, dear friends. We fell in love with this unique family and we are all so grateful to have Jessica in our lives.

On October 5th, 2020, Jessica gave birth to our son, Tom. She had a C-section and was so brave through the whole process. There are no words to describe how grateful we are. Jessica is the beginning of our family’s story. Our son will forever have his Canadian Auntie and cousins.

For the past two years, we have been fighting together to achieve one unique goal: to become fathers. And finally, we have succeeded. Our dreams have come true thanks to Jessica. We love you Jessica!

And of course, we love you too Jennifer. Thank you for finding our perfect match and for welcoming us into the JA Village.